
Who needs help with any riding level 8 on howrse?

Well here are all the answers for riding level 8 on howrse:

The "paring knife" is used to:

* thin out the piece of leather

Leather is a material:

* animal

Who was the first rider of Pegasus?

* Perseus

What is the disadvantage of neat's foot-oil?

* it wears the stitches prematurely

Leon Tolstoy, the great Russian writer, was also a horse man; he was still riding at 75.

* true

Which of these figures comes under the two-track work?

* Push it

* Shoulder inside

What is top stitching used for?

* to reinforce the stitches

Saddles have eyes:

* false

What is a mash?

* food that is a treat for horses

To sew, the saddler uses:

* needles

* hemp thread

The harness makes saddles, bridles, harnesses - a more sophisticated job than the saddler

* true

The saddle's skeleton is named:

* the tree

The capriole, a famous figure of the horses of the Cadre Noir (Black Squad) of Saumur consists of a jump during which the horse bucks. Why was it invented?

* To prepare the cavaliers for the tough shakes of combat

The Boulonnais, at the end of the 19th century, was improved with Arab blood. But why?

* To make them quicker and enable them to get to Paris in record time.

In the meadow, a new horse introduced in a herd is most often:

* violently rejected

One of my club's horses, at eating time, is not eating and is fussy:

* It's undoubtedly serious, I'll notify an instructor

What is a tanner?

* the person who prepares the leathers for the harness maker

The saddler is a job that has disappeared today

* false

What is the sequence of placing down limbs in canter left?

* Back right; right diagonal; front left

The Isabelle coat owes its name to:

* Isabelle-the-Catholic, having pledged in the 1491 Grenada siege, not to change her shirt until the end of the seige, hence the "dirty" colour

The harnessing leather is normally looked after:

* with glycerine soap

To smooth out the leather, the saddler uses a sleeker - a tool generally made in:

* boxwood

A windgall is:

* a small defect

What coat has mixed, three-color hairs?

* Roan

The "round knife" is also more often called:

* trimmer

It's sunny, -10 C, the bit of ground I am on is a good clear path, there are no stones, my horse is calm. I can gallop.

* no

An adjusted saddle:

* does not touch the withers at all

In each molting period, horses are more tired and vulnerable than usually.

* true

There are synthetic bridles:

* true

Fjord pony's manes naturally grow short.

* false

Chestnuts are:

* the traces of an old additional finger that horses had in prehistoric times.

* the fruits of the chestnut tree

The equipment (saddle + bridle) must be thoroughly cleaned and lubricated every:

* month

Check all the right answers:

* Horses are animals built for running away.

* Horses are gregarious animals

Check the right statements:

* the dressage saddles have longer flaps than the hurdle saddles

* the western saddles can have two straps

* there are multipurpose saddles

Check all the elements of the saddle:

* the blades

* the cantle

* the flaps

* the straps

Above all, leathers are sensitive to:

* sweating

Which of these bones is part of the carp joint?

* The pisiforme bone

What is the little "pin" of a buckle called:

* the tongue

The saddle stone: (not sure)

* attached by a string to the flap, it is used to taughten the piece of leather

Who needs help with any riding level 8 on howrse?
Thank You.
Reply:No, I do not need them. Thanks anyway.

