
Is it ok to mix this two colors ??

light chestnut brown 5N


ash blonde 8A


I have 50% gray and my natural color is between light and medium brown.

Im trying to avoid red/gold tones and look more natural so my friend sugested to mix ash blonde 1/3 with light chestnut brown 2/3.

Im going to dye tommorow but wanted last opinion here!


Is it ok to mix this two colors ??
a I would be a little cautious your two colors one with the ending n/ should stand for neutral, but maybe not. I would suggest that you do a strand test that is the best way you Gage the color. When mixing two colors it is best to stick to the same base, etc. both ash shades, You could also use the light brown on the roots first and do the ends the last 5or 10 min. if your afraid of going to dark. The other thing to pay attention to is if this is a permanate color, if it is a blonde color they contain lightners, and mixing it with a brown almost defeats the purose adding possible dryness to your hair. Since you cant lighten grey you dont need the lightner. Either color doesn't have any gold, bases so you shouldn't get any reds. I would try the strand test with just the brown and shorten the time. The test is better than trying your whole head. But is sounds like it would be OK. Happy Coloring.
Reply:If they are the same brand it is ok. Most brands don't reccomend mixing colors that are more that 2 shades off from one another and don't reccomend mixing warm and cool tones. Ash blonde sounds like a cool tone and chestnut brown sounds like a warm tone so they probably wouldn't look too great mixed together. Also, I would never mix a blonde and a brunette. I would only mix a brown and a red. You can always try it out but if it doesn't work then you will probably have to pay to have it professionaly fixed.
Reply:sounds nice
Reply:i wouldn't mix the colors, i'm a stylist. when mixing colors you wanna stay within 1 level, which is the number is the color. your chestnut isn't a neutral color and 5 is a medium brown. i'd say mix a 6w and a 7w 50/50. the w is a slightly warmer brown, because a neutral can look muddy and the warmer tones will fade out after a couple of washes. but don't mix anything higher than a 6 with a 5 or your working at cross purposes. 8 is a blonde, so it's almost like a bleach.
Reply:I always go the hair dresser if I am going to dye it more then one colour
Reply:I think the best thing to do is to check with your local hairdresser. i did hairdressing for awhile and they did mix some colours together but they also said other colours didnt go well together and could ruin your hair because of the ingredients. So best bet is to check. Better to embaress yourself verbally than physically dont you think lol. Good luck.
Reply:i would not mix the two colors. i went to the salon today and got h ighlights and low lights the color looks really good. i would be afraid to mix the two colors.
Reply:i assume you mean


i don't know , but i don't think it's that safe to mix hair colors.

b/c you might end up with something crazy like bright red.


Reply:i guess it would be ok and if u think it will be good do it
Reply:yes u can mix
Reply:Chestnut is more golden and Ash is not - I really wouldn't mix them myself and ask a hair stylist for more information about that.

