
Why if criticized by a Briton do so many americans trot out that old chestnut?

"You would be speaking german if it wan't for us/we saved your backsides in WW2..." ad nauseum.

*sighs and braces myself for the veritable storm of outraged, arrogant american bluster that will innevitably follow*

Why if criticized by a Briton do so many americans trot out that old chestnut?
America joined late in the war only in retaliation for attacks on American citizens. America does what is right for America. Some countries do what is right.
Reply:Oh hush.

I was born and raised in Coventry England and had 6 family members fight for that country and for what nowadays.

I moved to Texas 6 years ago and i hear it often when i gripe about something in a humorous way, get over yourself and ignore them if it bothers you so much.

And you know what, if the Americans DIDN'T help us back then, guess what love, we probably would be talking German because we were losing more than what we could scrap together! I know our history i know about the wars, i was raised on stories for 25 years from veterans so don't think Americans are being pig headed in their statement, you should thank them for helping save our arses! No WW2 wasen't great and had major faults and contraversy, what war doesn't but please, do get of your soap box and try not to take it so hard. I laugh when people say that and say well, thank ya!
Reply:The reply of course is that if it wasn't for the British, Americans wouldn't be speaking English!.
Reply:Remind them that if it hadn't been for the French fleet in 1776, the US would now be part of Canada.
Reply:The truth hurts, doesn't it? "Old chestnut?!" Pip, pip, cheerio and all that stuff, old boy. Stiff upper lip!
Reply:I have several American friends and have visited the States numerous times but have never had that said to me.

You could always politely point out that the British Empire (not just mainland Britain) stood alone against the German threat for 3 years before the US joined the war. And remind the person that whilst we remain grateful for the help it certainly wasn't free. Under the terms of the Lend Lease agreement we paid for the aid rendered. We finished paying in 2006. Dismantling the Empire and allowing American companies to export freely was part of the price.

But do remember that without the vast resources of the US to back us up, Hilter would have almost certainly have managed a sucessful invasion of Britain.
Reply:the same can be said for our oap`s.have you ever had someone say to you," and to think i fought in the war for you"

i appreciate the fact that we now live the way we do,but seriously do we have to have it rammed down our throats all the time?????

god if they want the seat on the bus all they have to do is ask!
Reply:sorry i havnt heard that for years where do you live to hear that on a regular basis
Reply:America knew it wouldn't be long before Germany invaded them, so they joined the war....
Reply:the thing that made me smile a couple of weeks ago was some silly word the yanks are saying this year was recognised as a word and added to the american language ...which just by coincidence is pretty much the same as a far older language called English ..even the spell check on here is telling me i am spelling words wrong coz the yanks altered them...by the way..America helped us towards the end of the war ..we were never going to lose and by us i mean the many many countries that helped and lost people
Reply:They only came into the war at a very late stage, and charged us for it. We have only recently paid back the money.

They haven`t won any of their own wars yet.

Ask "Mr Wimpey" about Vietnam or 1 RAK as George Einstein Bush thought it was pronounced.
Reply:they would all be speaking japanese if it wasnt for a german
Reply:You're looking for a fight aren't you?
Reply:some jump on the band wagon even when you ask a polite question,as for the ww2,agreed, they lost men in that war,but most of our problem was lack of weapons and armoury,the Germans were well equipped compared to us,thankfully ,just a few Americans are ignorant and narrow minded,but I suppose you could also say that of some Brits
Reply:And if it wasn't for us there capital city would be Mexico
Reply:cause they have the memory of a gnat!!! the brits have always fought like lions to save their homeland. the US homeland has only been attacked once. have they been as brave as the Brits??? only history will tell.

Are you talking to young Americans ages from 18 yo to 40 yo that dont know anything about WWII?

About all they know they learned from video games.

They dont know the reasons for America to fight WWII.

I have great respect for all veterans of WWII.

British, French, Canadian, and Americans who fought in the european theater. All people who fought Hitler.

