
Can we please just let the old Charles Darwin/deathbed chestnut die once and for all?

It's a complete and utter fabrication by someone who wasn't even there...Been debunked time and time again.

Can we please just let the old Charles Darwin/deathbed chestnut die once and for all?
It can't be a lie. I read it on the web and the web is as true, just like the Bible.
Reply:Make that 9, farkas419. I'm very proud to be 'narrow-minded' by your definition. Report It
Reply:Wow, talk about hypocrisy. I was saying that it's rather ironic that some atheists call Christians narrow-minded, and then thumbs-down them because they disagree. I thought atheists were supposed to be the open-minded ones. Report It
Reply:Charles Darwin was one of the best scientists of his time. He was quite brave to propose what he did when he did. And he war right!
Reply:Yes, it's a lie, and not a very good one.
Reply:i'm afraid that won't be gone until the fanatics are....

Reply:The sooner that story disappears, the better. I'm so sick of hearing it.
Reply:WHAT? Are you saying any religion (take you pick) is more credible and hasn't been "debunked" as much as evolution? It's people like you that make that (if you're from the US) make the US the second to last country in the world for percent of population that believes in evolution. That's sad, since evolution has more credible evidence going for it than any religion. Do you even care at all about evidence or proof? Or do you just believe in faith? A thing that you believe just because you believe in it and most likely because you raised to believe that.
Reply:That's true. It's an outright lie.
Reply:Can we let it die? I'd guess not... if people WANT to believe something, they're going to believe it, proven or disproven.
Reply:I don't believe the one about Madelyn O'Hair either.
Reply:YES, please! There is so much else that a person can say to debunk Darwin's theories. Why use a lie?

I was referring to the very same myth you named. As I said, there are other things to use that disprove Darwin's theories (some, not all), so why use a lie?

I stand by my answer, but thanks for calling me dense.

Wow, looks like seven people so far can't handle someone believing differently from them. And those same kind of people call the Christians narrow-minded...HILARIOUS!

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