
Can anyone please tell us how to prune an Indian Chestnut tree in a large pot?

The tree is about 20 feet high and rather leggy. It must be about 10 years old, and does not get a lot of sun, but it seems quite healthy. It is fed regularly.

Thank you

Can anyone please tell us how to prune an Indian Chestnut tree in a large pot?
The leggy-ness is due to not enough light. If you're considering pruning the leader (the top of the tree) it MIGHT make it produce more branches lower down, but without sunlight that's probably a long-shot bet. Also, if you prune the leader, it will either not grow any taller - OR, a limb near the top may take it upon itself to replace the leader and continue to grow higher.

Here's a good site on how to prune (I can't say I'd recommend topping a tree unless you really want to stop its upward growth):


You would prune your Indian Chestnut tree like you would any other tree in a pot. There are a couple of things I recommend to my clients. Prune in the fall and always cut at an angle. If you trim branches straight across you could damage the tree. Also, try and keep the tree in its natural form. Trim back the real leggy limbs and branches and prune above new notches. This will ensure new growth.

Feeding regularly is good and if at all possible, try and give the Chestnut some more sun.

To double check the health of the tree, take your fingernail and scratch the surface of a branch. If it is green, it is healthy. You can also fertilize the tree in fall and spring with using a six month nitrogen slow release fertilizer. The Chestnut will like this. Ferilize after you prune.

I hope this has helped some and if you need any further suggestions, feel free to contact me at my website. I will direct you to my proper pruning page as well as my site map. Browse through the site map and see if you can find any other information you may need for any of your landscape needs. Best of luck and have a great day!




