I have a leaf here and I believe it's a part of the Oak family. If you know what a chestnut leaf looks like, then when I explain this, you'll understand it better. On a chestnut leaf, the edges are rounded and its flat and wide. The leaf I am trying to identify is wide and flat with just very very few rounded edges. It's almost circular with wavy edges. Could anyone help me with this?
Trying to identify a leaf?
go to the research lab...haha :)
Reply:i would say ask some one whos really good i'm clueless
Reply:need a picture to identify better sounds like alot of things do u know what the tree looks like
Reply:Is there any possible way you could upload a photo to the web? Flickr.com will let you join for free and do this. Without a photo, you need to go through a leaf identification flow chart, which will ask you things about the veins in the leaf, the shape, the lobes, etc., and lead you to the correct ID, such as this one, for identifying trees in Virginia:http://www.fw.vt.edu/dendro/forsite/key/...
Many of the trees in Virginia are found elsewhere, so this might just get you the answer. Without this tool, or a photo, you're going to get a LOT of wild guesses here.
Reply:No clue. You need far more to identify this plant...as in a photograph of the entire tree, area in which it grows, etc.
One leaf from a tree won't tell you any more than one spine from a cactus. Sorry.
Reply:I believe it's a blackjack oak: http://mdc.mo.gov/nathis/plantpage/flora...