
Howrse Questions Level 8?

1 - The "round knife" is also more often called:



pen knife

cutting knife

2 - What is a tanner?

a small bit of wood used to make a collar harness

a rounded blade knife

the person who prepares the leathers for the harness maker

3 - The Boulonnais, at the end of the 19th century, was improved with Arab blood. But why?

To refine their head which Louis Philippe found too big

To make them quicker and enable them to get to Paris in record time.

To make them have more stamina for field work

4 - Leather is a material:




5 - Which of these bones is part of the carp joint?

The pisiforme bone

The talus

The little sesamoid bone

The navicular bone

6 - In the meadow, a new horse introduced in a herd is most often:

violently rejected

immediately accepted and protected by its fellow creatures

7 - Chestnuts are:

the fruits of the chestnut tree

the traces of an old additional finger that horses had in prehistoric times.

old scarred wounds

8 - Leon Tolstoy, the great Russian writer, was also a horse man; he was still riding at 75.



9 - In each molting period, horses are more tired and vulnerable than usually.

horses don't molt



10 - Check all the elements of the saddle:

the flaps

the sweat flaps

the straps

the cantle

the blades

Howrse Questions Level 8?
1 - The "round knife" is also more often called:


2 - What is a tanner?

the person who prepares the leathers for the harness maker

3 - The Boulonnais, at the end of the 19th century, was improved with Arab blood. But why?

To refine their head which Louis Philippe found too big

4 - Leather is a material:


5 - Which of these bones is part of the carp joint?

The navicular bone

6 - In the meadow, a new horse introduced in a herd is most often:

immediately accepted and protected by its fellow creatures

7 - Chestnuts are:

the fruits of the chestnut tree

8 - Leon Tolstoy, the great Russian writer, was also a horse man; he was still riding at 75.


9 - In each molting period, horses are more tired and vulnerable than usually.


10 - Check all the elements of the saddle:

the flaps

the straps

