
Horse show names!?

I have a few horses in need of show names.


Lady Sheza lil' Lady Small Chestnut Quarter Horse

Dallas Yellow Thang Fat Palimino ADORABLE

XL (extra large) NA 17.1 Gray mare

Tiece(prononcced Tie ee s) NA Faorward Bay 15hh

Albert The Red Pig Fat Chestnut 14.3

Traitor Traitor Tot Bay 15.3 X racer

Let me know if you have any suggestions for any of the horses! Thank you very much!

Horse show names!?
Why do you want to change their show names?

In order to help more it would be helpful to know what discipline you use the horses for.

If they are registered use their registered names.

You should pick something to do with them, pictures would help.

Here are some ideas I've come up with.


I like Sheza Lil Lady, but here are some other ideas.

Lacey Lady

Miss Lacey Lady

Ima Classy Lady

So Fancy Lady

Sheza Foxy Lady

Lady Magic

Lady Luck

Miss Lady Luck

Ima Special Lady


Downtown Dallas

Movin Downtown

Dawn In Dallas

Dusk In Dallas

Rockin In Dallas

Yellow Dallas Diamond


Double XL

Once An XL

Size Matters

Size Don't Matter


(playing off of 'entice')

Entiece Me

Until You Entiece





Some other names you could use, that don't necisarrily go with any of their names are:

Im So Fancy

Im So Classy

Happy Days

Silver Bells

Strawberry Delight

Strawberry Wine

Top Dollar

Cash Only

Good luck!
Reply:Sorry I just have to do this but what happend to "your horse" Tonka? You didnt mention him. "My horses name is Tonka. His current show name is Honky Tonk."
Reply:Finding a name for a horse is a day project, especially if you want it to be especically unique. You can but two words together, too. Like Springing Forward, for instance. Find a name with a meaning to it, flip through a dictionary. I would choose Dieceiving, or Prestigious, or Hollywood Horror or something like that {don't take those, those are my horses' names xD} but you get the idea, I hope. Depending on what you want your horse's image to be, choose a name that would suit that image.

Good Luck =]

