So one of my lesson kids became interested in Mak - my lesson pony. Well he was my daughters but shes become disinterested in him. So i sold Mak to this girl - and i went to an auction last night and took in a Chestnut quarter horse mare.
Ive alreadys dreamt of having a pumpkin colored chestnut, with no markings or very little. Shes around 15.2. and she was only selling for around $400. She didnt have a name so i named her Lulu. Shes around 7 years old. I had the vet come and check her out this morning and shes sound, and just fine.
So i rode her a little bit in my arena, and hadnt put the barrels away yet. As soon as i rode her into the arena she shot like a pistol towards them... literally and tried to run the barrels. She was Hot.. I pulled her out because i wanted to do light riding and i had just bought this mare.
So far Lulu seems pretty broke, maybe patterned in barrels and will most likely turn out to be a great lesson horse with her personality. %26amp;*** read on****
Rescue mare?
I've found a few in my lifetime. My current lesson horse is one of those, but the BEST horse I ever ended up with was a $250.00 cremello gelding in '83. If you didn't weigh the hair on his body this then 15.2 hand gelding MAYBE weighed a whole 800 LBS. He had a 2 1/2" coat and his backbone stood up probably a couple of inches and his ribs were REALLY promiment.
Within 60 days of me getting this horse, he dropped the coat in the middle of winter. I ran an add for him in January and by Febuary, had a buyer. At the last minute I changed my mind, because this former 800LB horse now weighed out at 1200 LBS! He was also a delight to ride! The gal I got him from (Who was sure he was going to die when she traded him to me.), had used him for several years as a vaulting horse and he'd put up with nearly anything!
To make a long story short, he ended up posing with 5' wings for the Tri Star flying horse in their logo.
I did eventually find him a home, but I made the prospective owner lease him for six months first. He lived out the rest of his years well loved. And when he passed on, his owner called me in tears.
Once in a while you find a diamond within the horsemanure and it's those times, I cherish.
Reply:As you may know barrel horses "tire" sooner than some other horses... and by tire i mean become aged or subtle injuries may be the reason the horse went so cheaply.
Another more sinister possibility is theft. Ive heard of people that steal horses in one state and sell them across borders paperless.
Reply:How exciting and wonderful! I got a really good TB at the beginning of the year. He had injured his leg and was laid up so they sold him for $250. He is 17+hands and the smoothest ride. I had originally bought him as a pasture pet but now he's my favorite riding horse.
Reply:That is so awsome. My gelding is the same way. I thought I was buying a fixer uper and I got him home and he was the one training me. He is the best horse I ever could have asked for.
Enjoy your new mare. And good luck at those barrel races!!!
Reply:Wow thats awsome! She sounds like shell make a great barrel racer if u ever do that!! =)
Reply:iv bought all my horses from shiloh they always seem so greatful for being saved and my last mare was pregnet when i got her
Reply:aw thats so cool! im going to an auction this summer. just to look but who knows i may find my horse a new friend and me too lol
Reply:congrats on your new mare! I hope you put up pics soon :)
Reply:I picked up a skinny dirty mess of a horse out of the slaughter pens, because I felt sorry for him. He had been so baddly kept his hooves were soft enough to mold with your hands. 400lbs, and 4 months latter with enough biotin in his diet I think I own stock in the jello company, I discovered I had a jumper.
one with a tattoo that couldnt be read any longer. He would jump litterally anything and do it cleanly. When I had him at weight again and was showing him off to a neighbor he sailed over a chevy chevette. the boy was as smooth as you could want and knew his job, like a pro. The down side of that was, there after every hunter in the area wanted to buy him and I had to turn down a lot of offers.
Reply:In '71, I paid $150 for a little black mare tagged "Stumblefoot' ( they'd meant Tanglefoot from the Sunday cartoon character) A surer footed horse I've never ridden. She was a "Cracker" horse.
After she'd been with me a few weeks, the stories started to emerge; how she'd bolted into a cypress strand with a rider and out riderless. She cleared a stock gate, the rider didn't. How she was beaten bloody with 2x4 to her head, how she'd been ridden with barbed wire nose piece on the tiedown . . .
No wonder she was wary of people. I was 6 mos. pregnant and not allowed to ride, so we just got acquainted toe to toe and eye to eye.
That little mare was a miracle. Whoever trained her (I won't say 'broke') was a HORSEMAN and wherever he is, God Bless him! I lost my girl to colic 7 years later and I'm still grieving 30 years on.
Reply:Sounds like someone's been used for barrel racing before!
Our horse was actually bought against our agent's and many other horse owner's wishes. Our horse had legs too bad to be used for anything beyond light riding (our agent, our lesson barn's owner, wanted me to go into competition), and he by chance happened to be the first horse we'd looked at outside the barn we attended (people were ranting about how many horses THEY had to see before they found theirs).
We've never regretted buying him. He's a gentlemen, loves kids and cats, tries to play with dogs, and sat through all our silly first-time-owner goof ups with nothing more than the occasional "What are you doing?" glance backward. He seriously injured his leg in a pasture about five years back, so badly that he needed penicillin shots daily, and he never once kicked or bit at us despite how much the shots made him swell up or get sore. When the vet flushed the wound out (stuck a needleless syringe all the way up the injury), he did nothing more than tense his leg a bit. He's very patient, well-mannered, loving, and sociable.
Reply:i bought a way under weight TB for 8 grand. She was sound and i could tell she had the heart to do anything. After she put on 250 pounds people are asking me if she is a warm blood. haha. She can jump the moon and is actually well started in dressage for being only 6 years old. It makes you feel good when you know you helped a horse. It's even better when that horse is of alot of use to you and can become your next family member. Glad to hear you saved a horse from an uncertain fate and gave her a home where she will be loved forever.
Reply:That is how we found Thunder a Kentucky Mountain Horse. There is a local horse trader here that buys and sells from auctions and my husband went down there just to shoot the breeze and came home in love. I immediately got out of the pool and went down there with him. I have been trying to find him that perfect horse for years and he kept refusing everyone ....She was fat with a short shaggy mane. Her color though was amazing she is a chocolate dapple with 4 white stockings and a lightening bolt on her hind end blond mane and tail. The man saddled her up for me and as I mounted her it started thundering..."hence her name" the summer storm was almost on top of us. The horse took of like a rocket and no matter how much I tried to stop her she just wouldn't stop so I just hung on and rode it out. While riding the thunder was rolling lightening was flashing and I had on nylon shorts on a slick saddle and flip flops that was scattered somewhere in the yard. She never once tried to hurt me she just wanted to run. After the ride we immediately bought her and brought her home. I changed bits and this perfect horse emerged from this wild running creature. We paid $400.00 for a perfect 12 year old mare 15 hands. No bad habits at all except she loves to ride. We contacted her previous owners and found out she was born and raised in the mountains of Kentucky and will take you where ever you want to go and then some.
Good luck with your diamond I hope you enjoy her as much as we do ours!
Reply:I was down at the local horse auction a couple a years ago and saw a bald face paint that looked really nice. When she came to the arena the cowboy was riding her with only a neck rope so even though she was only coming a 4 year old I thought she would make a nice saddle pony for my wife. When the bid stopped a $725 the owner said he wanted more so I went to $800 and he took it. She is really a nice horse and my wife loves Flour. That's her barn name. Because when I went to pay for her they handed me papers. Flour In My Face APHA. With names in her background Like Zippos Flash, Appache Ceaser Bar, Zippos Jet Away, Spotted Ceaser Bar, I'm not sure but I think I found one of them diamonds I have been offered way much more for her.
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